Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April '15 Goals

I almost completely missed setting goals for this month, but thankfully another blogger shared hers which reminded me. I'm just going to jump right in with an update of how last month's goals worked out, which ones I met, what needs improvement, and then finish with my new goals.

I succeeded at my first goal of getting involved in more social media. I now have an Instagram, Twitter, and Bloglovin' in addition to Facebook and Pinterest. Twitter is by far the platform I have the most trouble with using. As for spending half an hour every day, on average I got that. In reality it was more sporadic with missing a day or two and spending hours instead of keeping it in small manageable chunks for daily application. I haven't quite found my niche beyond love and marriage, veganism and health, and the tragedies of life so I guess I'm going to stick with those and fine tune as I go along.

Goals for this month:

  • Take some classes about blogging/websites (design, promotion, social media usage, etc.)
  • Spend consistent time on this
  • Start logging my time use in my planner
  • Have more non blogger interaction
The last one is more wishful thinking on my part, but I figured I'd go ahead and throw it in there. I've been blogging for only a couple months, and I already have over 1000 views. That to me is incredible. Thank you all for supporting me and my journey. I'll be doing a reader survey at some point to see what all everyone likes, dislikes, and wants to see more to help me to keep putting out posts that are interesting and enjoyable or at the least get you thinking.

Thanks again to all of you. Yes, I started this as an outlet for myself, but I wouldn't have kept it up without your support. You mean the world to me, and if any of you ever needs to talk, feel free to find me on any of the platforms I'm on (Facebook would be the quickest since I'm on that one the most).

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