Sunday, May 7, 2017

Bumpdate #26 (33 weeks)

Not much new this week, just final countdown jitters! I know being nervous is totally acceptable, but it feels weird to be nervous with how much preparation I have done. It's crazy to think how much my life is about to change and how much change has already happened this past year.


This week starts your period of heavy-duty weight gain; we're talking half a pound every week for the next four weeks! You're starting out about the size of a pineapple. I'm excited to see just how big you get when we're all said and done. This week your skeleton is also hardening up (except for your skull which won't fuse for a while after birth). You're still incredibly excited when your dad gets home which as cute as it is, you're getting too big! Mommy has trouble getting comfortable and still being able to breathe when you're squirming all over the place.


My belly has been itchier this past week which considering how much growth we had, that doesn't surprise me at all. The iron pills I've been taking have not constipated me at all thankfully, but they have given me the worst gas! I feel so bad for everyone at work. And with a big ole' baby pushing on my intestines, there just isn't much I can do. Additionally, I had to start drinking an 8-ounce glass of warm lemon water to help balance my pH. Apparently it's not uncommon for vegans to be too alkaline and end up with a screwy vaginal environment. Fun stuff.

What helped you the most with the jitters? Did you go on a babymoon? What helped you the most with transitioning from childfree living to first-time parenthood?

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